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Monday, November 5, 2012


Sometime perhaps I just expect to much but I have found going back a few years I have been disappointed at certain things that happen in my life, perhaps I am just too sensitive but it makes me feel that perhaps certain people in my eyes to me are 'very important' but perhaps the feelings are not totally mutual. I am not saying that I am not important to these people but I guess not as important as they are to me.

My first example goes back many many years ago when I was young, and single and wanted to go out and have fun on a Saturday night. My girlfriend and I would have planned to 'hit the town'. We would have been meeting at her place beforehand however quite often I would get to her place and she would just say something like 'do you just want to stay in and watch a movie?' This was often a real downer when you have been looking forward to something. It seemed like she had decided not to want to go out for a while however waited until I got there to 'drop the bomb', perhaps if I had been pre-warned I could have decided against going or made other plans. It was often disappointing.

Example two goes back about 6-7 years ago. I had someone who I considered a very good friend. She wasn't part of my group of friends from school as I met her from a workplace however we lived nearby to one another and would pop in to one another's homes a couple of times a week for a gossip. I considered her to be one of my best friends. I had also planned that if I was to get married I would have my two BFF's as a bridesmaids as well as her making it 3. This disappointment came when I wasn't even invited to her wedding.

Example three happened 2 days ago. It was one of my best friends weddings. I have known this girl for about 32 years and we have always been close friends. The first thing her 'husband to be' said to me on the wedding day was how special I was I guess because apart from her family I was the one person there who had known her the longest. When it came to the speeches however and at least 90% of the guests were mentioned in the 'thankyou's' I was missed! I wasn't the only one as 2 of my other friends were missed as well. I know this was just an over site however in my opinion it was a huge disappointment.

I value my friendships so much. I don't have a huge social circle which makes the dozen or so close friends that I have extremely important to me. These examples above however make me realise that perhaps I am not as important to others as they are to me.

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