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Saturday, October 27, 2012


I read an interesting thing today while browsing various articles on my Ipad. Before I get into it though I just want to say how much I love love love Flipboard on the Ipad as well as Zite even though they are basically the same thing. Both of these are apps where you can just select categories that interest you whether it be News, parenting. Hollywood, TMZ etc etc and recent articles are shown. I then have also downloaded the app called ‘Instapaper’ because I can then put articles I may be interested in reading later into my Instapaper’ and I can read these ‘offline’ whenever I like which brings be to today's article.


I had never heard of Soineya before today. Soineya is known as a ‘Japanese cuddle club’ where people can sleep with strangers. My ‘sleep’ I actually do just mean sleep and maybe a few cuddles or spooning. This business was opened in Tokyo in September and allows people to ‘sleep’ with one of it’s female employees for a price. The females employed there range in age from 17 – 25 years.

Soineya isn’t a brothel but a ‘cuddle club’ where after paying an admission of 3,000 yen (about $38), customers select from a menu of sleep durations. For example for 1,000 yen (about $12) you are able to give the woman a foot massage, have the woman just look at you, or even get patted on the head. The strange thing is that it is more expensive to give a foot massage than it is to receive one.

The shop was opened by a gentleman named Koda and the woman hired have a vast range of costumes they are able to wear from a school uniform and a sailors suit. A standard job involves laying down on a floor mattress with the client for a minimum of 20 minutes to a maximum of 10 hours which could cost up to $630. One of the most popular services involves a Japanese man sleeping with his head on the woman's lap. This itself costs approximately $13 for every 3 minutes. If the client wishes to have the woman’s head resting in his lap the price is doubled.

The owner of this business firmly states that this is not a sex service but a place for men who feel lonely and may want to be with someone whether it be for a cuddle, foot massage or even a slap in the face (apparently quite a lot of guys go for that….)

Business has been open now for approximately 4-6 weeks and is apparently going really well!

(Strange strange strange)

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