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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Speed Dating

I have just returned home from my first attempt at Speed Dating. My girlfriend Renee asked me to go a few days ago and although I was hesitant at first I did finally agree. I did however back out again when I knew it was going to cost be $90. I did think that was a little steep. After agreeing and going online to pay my $80 (it had dropped $10 when I signed up #winning) I had to upload a photo and do a bit of a profile. Anyway the night started at 7pm and we arrived and were given name badges. There was quite a large group of 17 boys and 17 girls. When everyone had arrived the girls took a seat and one by one a boy would sit opposite you and you would have a minim 5 minute date. I guess I didn't go there expecting much of the night which is why I didn't even feel nervous which is extremely unusual for me. Renee however was shaking like a leaf. Everyone was nice although a little too old for me IMO. I ticked the 'yes' box for 5 of the gentleman and if they have also ticked the 'yes' box against my name then we get our email address exchanged. I am not expecting much and to be honest I am not sure if I would answer the email anyway however we will see what happens.

Tomorrow is Naomi and Rob's wedding which is so so so exciting!

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