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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Time to start dressing like a trendy mama!

Today mum and dad have taken Madeline to Anglesea for the night so I have the day
and night to myself. I went to the shops early this morning so that I could spend the
rest of the day inside at home seeing it is supposed to be 34 degrees. I have been
browsing the net for a bit and found a thread in regards to dressings like a 35 year old.
Now I am 36 and to be honest i didn't think my dress sense was to bad although it
appears from reading 'said thread' that 3/4 pants are definitely the 'NO GO' zone. I
wasn't aware of this but it does make sense. When I think of the 3/4 pants that I have
they are very unflattering. What I really want to do is to go to my wardrobe right now
and clear the majority if it and give it all to the Salvos. My only worry is that I won't
leave myself with an clothes and I kinda need something to wear.

I am also trying to lose some weight. Although it is a very very slow process (lost about 3kg in the last month or two). I was thinking of browsing the web tonight and maybe buying some new clothes although knowing me and the fact that I am thinking of having some drinks tonight the 3 or so kg I have lost will come back. Hey I guess I could try some exercise.......

Just before I finish off this entry I have seen my Hypnotist once again and this time she
finally hypnotized me. At first I wasn't sure if it had worked because I thought that
maybe I was thinking to hard when answering her questions however I do believe it
worked. She had me going back to the times when My ex (Madeline's father) and I
would spend the weekends at home pigging out on chicken and chips and drinking
coke. Even back before then to when i was about 21 and my boyfriend and I at the
time would spend a lot of time eating crap like pizza and chips. When I got together
with him I weighed about 58kg. We went out for 3 years and when he cheated on me
(with someone who looked like I did when he first got together with me) I would say Iwas probably 20kg heavier when he cheated on me and broke my heart. Don't know what it was about him but I do know my heart has never truly healed. Makes me feel a little better though knowing that his now 'wife' the same girl he cheated on me with has now beefed up a little and he is bold as bold! But going back even further to when I was 19 or so and dating someone who for 1.5 years put me through a lot of hurt and verbal abuse. At this time I was a 55kg blond hottie! Regardless of how i looked it never seemed enough. He would still say things things to me like 'bury your head it might improve your face'. He would flirt constantly with others right under my nose, he would apparently cheat over and I've again one of which was with one of my best friends at the time. she is a friend NO LONGER. Anyway I really feel as though these appointments are really going to help me to from this moment on start having the life i wont to have. Don't want to
waste anymore time.

Here are some hot mama's for inspiration!

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