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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Time to get healthy!

Starting a health kick tomorrow. If all goes the way it usually does when I start a health kick I will probably last about 5 hours if I am lucky.

I spent some time browsing around the Iphone App store under weight loss and I got a few apps. One of them is called 'My Weight' which is really just an app to track your progress. I estimated my height at about 163cm because for some strange reason I always seem to forget my height. I mean it hasn't changed in about 20 years so why on earth can I not seem to remember it. I also entered a start weight in back on the 13th July of 85.5kg. I hadn't even started trying to be healthy then but now I am weighing in at 83.9kg so that is already 1.6kg without trying! It also tells me that my BMI is 32.77 which puts me in the OBESE class. I guess on the plus is the fact that at my heaviest about 3 years ago I weighed in at 99kg so I have made quite a big change but not big enough for me to feel healthy and happy and attractive.

Another app that I got is called 'Weight Loss'..... well that was a depressing app. What this one does is you type in what your weight is and it brings up what you should look like at that particular weight. When this pic appeared I was quite shocked!

I didn't think I looked quite so...... cuddly!

So now for my goals and to be honest I am not going to go at it 'hard core' because I will have no success that way. I know even if I manage to lose a maximum of 500 grams a week it is better than nothing.

Another app I got is called 'Weight Loss' tweek a week. All this one is a list of different weekly tweeks to try and get you into a better frame of living. The first tweek is to 'Drink enough water', well this in itself will be a challenge for me because I hardly drink any water. It says that our bodies need between 1-2 litres of water a day and I would be lucky to have a mouthful when cleaning my teeth. I decided when I was at the supermarket to just by one of the biggest bottles I could find and I ended up bringing this baby home.

I had never seen this brand of bottled water however the reason I picked it was because it would fit in the drink holder in my car. It holds 1.5 litres. The only way I am going to be able to drink 2 of these bottles if I force myself to as early as possible in the day. If I manage to drink 2 then I will reward myself with a Coke Zero! One thing I know water will do is help to regulate me which is a bonus.

The last app I got is one called 'I CAN' which is Hypnotherapy. I purchased the one called 'Lose Weight' (obviously) It is read by some guy called Donald MacKinnon who is Scotish and just from having a quick listen I hope I can keepup with the accent. The app doesn't look overly 'user friendly'. All it has on it is an introduction to Donald and then you just press 'PLAY' and the session begins. I have no idea how long the thing goes for though. I thought of just going off to sleep with it on, just hope little Miss 7 who sleeps with me every night (did I mention she is 7!!!!!!) doesn't wake up when it is on. Who knows, maybe Mr MacKinnon can be a miracle worker.

STATS AS OF Sunday 22nd JULY

Starting weight: 85.5kg (July 13th 2012)
Starting BMI: 33.4
Current Weight: 83.9kg
Current BMI: 32.77
Total lost: 1.6kg

Wish me luck!!!!

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